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Author Archives: Esschem
Latest Projects:
We thought it would be a great idea to make our latest projects really stand out so we included a large Latest Projects area where we can let everyone know about any exciting developments within the company. You can see these announcements on the homepage of the website.
So what’s new…
This new website gives you instant access to Esschem’s product pages through a drop-down menu feature. Hovering your mouse over any header menu will reveal the subpages for that section. This is one way you can quickly access any product page on the site.
Welcome to our new website
We are very pleased to announce the launch of our fantastic new website! Along with a new look we have included some new features that we hope will make visiting the site a quicker, easier and more intuitive experience. To make sure you get the most out of our new site, we have listed a few of the new key features below. We hope you enjoy our new website and would love to hear what you think about it.